My name is Diogo Spínola. Father, husband and photography lover. Born in the beautiful Madeira Island in Portugal and based in the UK since 2013.

Alongside my day job in the IT industry I love the idea of simply going out with my camera and shoot, especially when travelling – another passion of mine.

Someone once said “the best camera is the one in your hand” and I couldn’t agree more. Like many photography lovers I did have an obsession for gear… until I realised my bag was getting too heavy and that the equipment was not that relevant. I decided to go the minimal route, and these days I only use what I find essential – a mirrorless FujiFilm camera and a couple of prime lenses or even my phone. This helped me rediscover photography in its essence and focus more on being creative.

Photography has become part of my life at a young age and I was soon put in charge of the family camera. I’ve always been fascinated by people, the social aspects and stories that we see from day to day but pay very little attention to. Those details and stories are the main inspiration for my pictures.

I believe photography is as much about seeing as it is capturing. I will let the photos do the talking so if you wish to know more just ask via, I’d love to hear from you.